The Power of Nonviolence

Programs 231, 232, 235, 236, 244, 245, 248, 249 • 4 hrs

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Mohandas Gandhi, the great spiritual leader from India, famously observed: “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” History proves over and over that violence breeds more violence. Victims are traumatized by brutality — as are perpetrators, and the cycle is uninterrupted.

Yet, today terrible shootings erupt repeatedly, as do episodes of police-involved violence. People of conscience everywhere are heartsick and looking for answers. As Rev. Martin Luther King declared, “There is another way.”

The Power of Nonviolence, a timely new public radio project from Humankind, seeks deep solutions to this vexing problem. We turn to wisdom teachings across our great spiritual traditions for guidance — and inspiration — on how the lasting wounds can be healed.

As you’ll hear, some of their stories are vivid and quite uplifting. Their insights may even be life-changing.

We encourage you to share these programs and to discuss them with loved ones and members of your community and congregation. Additional programs are in the pipeline, as well.

There is another way.

Funded by the Henry Luce Foundation
Presented in cooperation with Connie Goldman Productions


Boston-Area Website Design by BKJ Productions