Although the demand for audio CDs has diminished, we do make them available by special order, as a service to listeners. You will need to pay by check for CDs, as this is not an automatic process.

Please indicate the Program Number(s) on the form below, as well as the quantity you need, then click send. Each CD is $14.95 (plus $4.00 shipping) and typically holds a one-hour program. We’ll process your order upon receipt of the check, payable to: Human Media.

Mail to: Human Media, 68 Leonard Street, Belmont, MA 02478.

With questions, you can leave voicemail at: 1-800-5-LISTEN. Please be patient; our staff is very small, but we do strive to answer everyone.

If you are interested in a set of CDs for a particular package, please indicate that in the Comments area. Thank you! HumanMedia ®


    Program #


    Total Cost $18.95




