Cancer Prevention and Survival

Program wtts-bonus • 4 hrs


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Free Podcast Available

Hear these free interviews with leading experts in natural approaches to health, taped at medical schools, hospitals, the American Cancer Society and elsewhere. Also enjoy segments on the health benefits of humor—jest for the health of it! For people with cancer or other illness, or anyone seeking a high quality of life.


Basic Concepts of Nutrition and Excercise for Cancer Survivors (2:41)
Donald Abrams, MD Chief of Hematology/Oncology San Francisco General Hospital.

Sid Caesar: Humor Can Help You Heal

  • Part 1 (15:59): The comedy superstar and TV pioneer on the role of humor in helping people recover from illness.
  • Part 2 (11:30): Enjoyment of life is really learning how to appreciate things we might take for granted.

Colleen Doyle: American Cancer Society Diet Suggestions (20:32)
The American Cancer Society’s director of nutrition and physical activity, Colleen Doyle, says cancer prevention also applies to cancer patients: also tips on eating during times of treatment.

Duke University’s Harold Koenig, MD: Cancer and Faith (21:06)
Duke University’s Harold Koenig, MD discusses how religious faith can be a powerfulcoping behavior for someone facing the emotional challenge of cancer, and the role of faith in a fight for recovery.

Lorenzo Cohen, PhD: Yoga For Cancer (10:20)
At M.D. Anderson, Houston’s famous cancer hospital, Lorenzo Cohen PhD, simple yoga and other exercises help patients sleep better and function with less fatigue.


Harold Benjamin: Wellness Community (8:50)
Harold Benjamin, PhD, founder of The Wellness Community, a nationwide service of free support groups for people with cancer, explains how patients benefit from identifying with each other.

Susan Foerster

  • Part 1: Anti-cancer nutrition (13:03)
    Susan Foerster, who heads the state of California’s office on cancer prevention and nutrition, says that while cancer is complex, the evidence for a plant-based diet for cancer prevention hasn’t changed.
  • Part 2: Food selection, prep (11:39)
    Fruits and veggies are some of the only foods that nutritionists suggest we eat more of, as the nation battles obesity; tips on shopping and easy/tasty preparation.

Michele D. Holmes, MD: Benefits of exercise (12:01)
A Harvard medical researcher found that, after a breast cancer diagnosis, moderate physical activity (such as 3 -5 hours of walking per week) reduced the risk of dying from cancer.

Alistair J. Cunningham, PhD

  • Part 1 (10:32)
    At Canada’s largest cancer center, the Ontario Cancer Institute,a clinical psychologist and cell biologist, himself a cancer survivor, finds healing power in pondering the question: Who am I?
  • Part 2 (12:26)
    Dr. Cunningham believes cancer, while a physical illness, is primarily an existential crisis in which patients gain greater personal authenticity when they face their own mortality.

Elliot Friedman, PhD: Social connections (14:59)
Dr. Friedman, a Univ. of Wisconsin researcher on stress, finds that cancer patients who develop strong relationships with family, friends or support groups have less depression and anxiety and may live longer.

Jennifer Reilly

Steve Allen: Humor distracts from our woes (10:26)
Archival recording of the late, great comedian, TV host and author, Steve Allen, commenting on how humor can ease the burden of people who are battling illness.

Patrick Borgen, MD: Immune system v. cancer (10:22)
The chief of the breast service at New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center explains how a person’s frame of mind can affect their immune system’s ability to fight cancer.

Herbert Benson, MD

  • Part 1: Relaxing the mind and body (8:44)
    Harvard Medical School’s expert in the health benefits of relaxation describes simple techniques for eliciting a state of quietude in the brain, mind and body.
  • Part 2: Relaxing the mind and body (8:56)
    Healing is enhanced when a patient gets the worrying mind out of the way and develops a belief that the medicine, the doctor or a Higher Power can help restore you to health.

Gerald Jampolsky, MD

  • Part 1: Attitudinal healing (10:28)
    The author of “Love is Letting Go of Fear” describes how releasing anger can help to restore balance of mind/body/spirit as we get in touch with our true essence: love.
  • Part 2: Beyond self-centeredness (8:04)
    Founder of the International Center For Attitudinal Healing tells the legend of how people can transcend the limitations of a “me first” and replace it with the freedom of letting go and living lightly.

Louise Diamond

Julie K. Silver, MD

Julie K. Silver, MD

  • Part 1: Healing plateaus and setbacks (11:07)
    A physician and breast cancer survivor gives pointers from her award-winning book, “After Cancer Treatment: Heal Faster, Better, Stronger”.
  • Part 2: Feelings after treatment (10:13)
    Sadness and anxiety are not unusual after the intensity of cancer treatment, and Dr. Silver suggests being as physically active as possible, and taking advantage of effective techniques offered by eastern medicine.
Efficacy of Mind/Body Medicine
Stress is familiar to everyone and especially to patients with cancer, either those currently being treated for cancer or those who are survivors, whether for one month, five years or longer.
As the director of the Mind/Body Medicine Cancer Program, Ann Webster, PhD, has seen how hundreds of people cope with a diagnosis of cancer. Some respond to this challenge with remarkable resiliency, seeing an opportunity to grow and develop, to find greater meaning and purpose in their lives.
Disease Prevention Through Diet Modification
Eat 5 to 9 a day for better health. Develop weight management and listen to quotes from experts heard in Humanmedia’s one-hour audio program, Everyday Healing Foods.
Helpful Stress-Management Strategies
Use this list to check over your skills at changing your outlook, improving time management, personal care and relationships
How To Reach A Stress-Reduction Goal
Everyday things I can do to reduce stress and how I will incorporate this stategy or skill into my life?
Humor Is Good Medicine
Research indicates that when people use humor, they suffer less fatigue, tension, anger, depression, and confusion in response to stress. Humor is a great coping skill that is within your control.
Living In The Present
When done properly, time management helps you use your time well and provides opportunities for you to reflect on the pleasures and joys of life.
Manage Your Stress
Stress can affect your body physically as well as affecting the way you think, act, and feel. This document will allow you to identify your own stress symptoms.
Recognizing / Changing “Mind Traps”
Thinking distortions that can lead to stressful self-talk.
Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation techniques that can ease anxiety, slow your heart rate, and lower blood pressure (at least temporarily).
Some of the Healthiest Foods
The following is a “healthy food hot list” that give you the biggest nutritional bang for your caloric buck, as well as decrease your risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
Writing and Healing: A Path of Spirit
After eight surgeries and two rounds of radiation for breast cancer, Pamela Post used writing as a therapeutic tool to create writing support groups for cancer victims.


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