- Connections that HealAt the typical nursing station of today’s hospitals, it can sometimes seem like high-tech medical machinery supersedes a personal connection between the patient and nurse or other health care professional. But for many caregivers, that one-to-one relationship is the essence…Listen Now
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Recent Programs
- The Lost CauseAre we still living with the racial divide left over from the Civil War? Has it resurfaced today in the rise of white nationalism, election denial and the surge of anti-immigrant sentiment?
- Protecting the PublicThis is the intriguing story of how, in some venues, public safety is being expanded to include not just police and fire services but also social workers and other professionals.
- The Rights of CiviliansCan the rule of law protect innocent men, women and children? Learn about the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The prosecutor seeks indictments of both Hamas and Israeli leaders. And hear the history of war crimes tribunals.
- The Diet-Climate ConnectionAgriculture is a huge emitter of greenhouse gases associated with climate change. Medical experts recommend that our diets emphasize many of the same tasty foods that scientists regard as most climate-friendly.
- Helping Prisoners to HealMore than a million Americans are locked in jails and prisons. Helping them recover from earlier trauma can safeguard society. Hear the stories of ex-prisoners who've begun to heal, through the inspired work of Robin Casarjian.
- The Power of Nonviolence: Seeds of PeaceHow exactly can we build a future based on understanding and connection among people of diverse backgrounds — rather than prejudice, misinformation and suspicion that are the fuel for violence?
Staff Picks
- Resilient NursesA no-holds-barred look at the stressful conditions in which many nurses work: the long hours, the emotional toll, the rapid pace, and the way that technology and institutional practices can make it hard to form a caring bond with patients.
- Simple Relaxation ExerciseA 15-minute stress reduction session to calm the body and mind.
- Libraries ReimaginedIn 2019 Americans visited the library more often than they went to a movie or attended a sporting event. But far from institutions of the past, libraries today are rapidly evolving, ensuring free access to knowledge and protecting democracy.
Producer’s Note
Replacing parking spaces with trees – French-style
The city of Paris, France has done some climate-friendly remodeling, under the government of Mayor Ann Hidalgo. They’ve removed tens of thousands of parking spaces and in their place planted 300 hectares (about 741 acres) of green space. What would Joni Mitchell have to say about that?